In the Beginning…

This is the new space for thoughts and ideas. A visual journal. I arrived on Etsy only a week ago and now I’m not only a bead artisan but also a shop keeper, blog keeper, holder of multiple email addresses and my postal person is my new best friend. Life has changed it seems overnight. I’ve gone from a person who loathed computers to now being on a first name basis with our families eMac and fighting to get my own time on it! I stepped across the threshold of the twenty first century kicking and screaming but there nonetheless.I will be posting some more experimental and “over the top work” on my blog. The journeys of Matilda, the antique dress form that appears and disappears throughout the household scaring different family members. The adventures of Sam our “hearing impaired” cat who does the most remarkable things! Odds and ends of things worthwhile to share and maybe even a few serious comments about….yes, ArT!!! See you soon,Kelly 

~ by beadliotheque on March 25, 2008.

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